Sunday 11 May 2008

My First Post

Where did my obsession with crafting begin?

It's tough to pinpoint the exact moment in my life, but ever since I was a kid I was always into making things. I grew up without cable or video games, so I resorted to other things to occupy my time. I had this book called "101 Things to Make"and I swear I made most the random projects that were in it. I also had a lot of babysitters that I should credit with getting me interested in sewing, crossstiching, and knitting. We would make all sorts of Barbie clothes, and eventually I turned those tiny ideas into life-sized clothing.

Today I enjoy knitting and sewing, and I've dabbled in crocheting and silkscreening. This blog is intended to be more of a "collection of work" rather than the ramblings of my life and now I have a place where I can share my creativity with the world.