Friday 28 June 2013


So Calgary has weathered the storm, but there is a lot of cleanup to be done! I've been off of work for a week now (I work downtown, which has been closed until recently) and I've been up to all sorts of things! I volunteered with cleanup efforts and handing out food to volunteers for a couple of days, had my future brother-in-law and his fiancee staying over because they were evacuated from their building, been training for my marathon, and somehow I've fit time in for some sewing!

My latest obsession... hexagons!

teeny hexagons
These guys are tiny!


I'm working on a needle case kit, a design from Lynette Anderson. She visited Calgary about a month ago and I was lucky enough to take a class by her, and this is what we're supposed to make (link). She taught how to do the English paper piecing and some other nifty tricks dealing with applique. I've been slowly picking away at this project, this is a picture of the inside pocket, made up of more hexagons.


This is a picture of the front cover, almost done!

Working on my sewing book

Right now, I'm starting/finishing the top of a quilt so I can donate it to Quilting for Calgary (link to Facebook group), who are collecting quilts to give out to people who have been affected by the floods. I picked up this kit this morning at Traditional Pastimes and I'm hoping to get it done in the next day or so!

quilting for calgary

Take care!